Last week after dropping Emily off at preschool, I was driving along headed to the gas station (or so I thought!) when all of a sudden my car shuts off and decides to use the last drop before I get to my destination! I have never done this before so I was completely surprised when I tried to pull my car over into someone's driveway to get off the road and realized I did not have any power steering! I had to sorta glide into their yard...not fun at all! I then proceeded to call my hubby and see what I should do...LOL! He was home with Ansley and Paisley with no car seats. He then called our friend Elgin to see if he would bring me some gas to get me to a gas station. Thankfully Elgin was sweet enough to take time out to do that for me!
As I was driving home after filling my car up I was reminded of how important it is to NOT "run on fumes" in spending time with Jesus and His Word. I want to be totally full of His love, kindness, patience, kindness, etc. (Gal. 5:22-23) I will only be able to stay full of these if I spend time with Him and read my Bible daily. As Christians we can get so busy that we fail to stop at "the gas station" and fill up...I am guilty of doing this with my car but do not want to do this in my Christian walk.
I will definitely be more careful now of watching how long I'm on E and I will also make sure I am spending time with Jesus each day. I need Him tremendously in my life!
Thank you to Elgin, Kip, Jody, and Heidi for making sure I was good to go:-) I appreciate you!