Sunday, March 29, 2009

Q and U Wedding

On Friday morning we had the pleasure to attend Emily's Q and U Wedding at her preschool. This is where the letter Q marries U since they always come together in words. The girls were the letter Q and the boys were the letter U. Emily was so excited to get dressed up.
Here she is walking down the aisle...
Emily with her adorable groom Peyton. Soooo cute!
A reception followed with cake and dancing:-) Here is her fan club-daddy, Paisley, Grandma, me, Ansley, Emily, and Mam-ma
Emily enjoying her cake:-)

What made my day was when she told me that when she gets married "for real" she is going to live with me:-) Oh if it only stayed that way...

Running on Fumes...

Last week after dropping Emily off at preschool, I was driving along headed to the gas station (or so I thought!) when all of a sudden my car shuts off and decides to use the last drop before I get to my destination! I have never done this before so I was completely surprised when I tried to pull my car over into someone's driveway to get off the road and realized I did not have any power steering! I had to sorta glide into their yard...not fun at all! I then proceeded to call my hubby and see what I should do...LOL! He was home with Ansley and Paisley with no car seats. He then called our friend Elgin to see if he would bring me some gas to get me to a gas station. Thankfully Elgin was sweet enough to take time out to do that for me!
As I was driving home after filling my car up I was reminded of how important it is to NOT "run on fumes" in spending time with Jesus and His Word. I want to be totally full of His love, kindness, patience, kindness, etc. (Gal. 5:22-23) I will only be able to stay full of these if I spend time with Him and read my Bible daily. As Christians we can get so busy that we fail to stop at "the gas station" and fill up...I am guilty of doing this with my car but do not want to do this in my Christian walk.
I will definitely be more careful now of watching how long I'm on E and I will also make sure I am spending time with Jesus each day. I need Him tremendously in my life!
Thank you to Elgin, Kip, Jody, and Heidi for making sure I was good to go:-) I appreciate you!


Last Wednesday morning the girls and I headed over to my friend Cristy's house for some coffe and playtime. Then it was time to pick up our older two daughters from school and head to McDonald's for lunch. The girls were still full of energy after eating so we decided to take them to the church playground. They had a blast!

KaCee, Ansley, and Paisley
Thank you Cristy for having us over...nothing like a cup of coffe and good 'ol friendship:-) I enjoyed our time together!

New Dresses and a Visit from Aunt Steph

Last Tuesday we had a visit from my sister in law Steph. We had a great time hanging out with her. She also bought Emily and Ansley these adorable knot dresses. Her friend is making them and has an account on etsy. They are called knot dresses and grow with your child for quite awhile. They knot at the top instead of having a button. You can also pick out your pattern of choice. They are sooo cute! Go to and then type in Sweet Pea Knot Dresses to locate them.
Emily and Ansley modeling the dresses!

Thank you Aunt Steph for a great day! We love you!

Jumpin' in the Jumperoo

Paisley loves to jump in her Jumperoo and play with the toys on it. She is finding her voice so she squeals with delight as she goes up and down!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

At the Playground with Friends!

On Wednesdays after I pick Emily up from school we head to the McDonald's drive thru and then to our church's playground for a picnic. Today we invited our friends Lori and her three daughters Amber, Ashley, and Abby to join us. Here are the four older girls being silly on the swings! (My two have their heads hanging upside down!)

Wednesday Brunch

On Wednesday mornings for the past month my friends Jenny, Kitty, and I get together for brunch. We all bring something yummy to eat and visit with each other. All three of us had baby girls within 10 weeks of each other so it is fun to watch the girls grow and play. Jenny's baby is far left, Paisley in the center bouncy seat, and Kitty's little girl is in the swing. The girls were very content when I took this pic so I didn't want to disturb them by moving them closer!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We might need a bigger bathtub...

The girls having fun in the tub!