Paisley Hope arrived Monday, October 6th at 4:53pm. She weighed 7lb. 4oz., 20 in. long. She came out with a full head of hair and ready to eat! We got home on Wednesday and now are adjusting to a newborn in the house again. We are so blessed! I have posted a few pics to share with you for now-enjoy!!!
Paisley Hope in the hospital (after a bath!)
i HAVE BEEN obsessively checking for an update. I am so thankful to hear everything went well & she is here. I love the picture on the top - she is so alert, those big eyes and I love all the hair! You will get lots of comments on hair, people love that on a newborn. Congrats, you guys look great & I think you have lots of help on hand for the days ahead. love you lots!
Congrats, she is so beautiful and lots of hair!! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Get lots of rest when you can as I am sure the girls will be a lot of help with new sis... Take care and let us know if you need anything...
She's beautiful God Bless you and your family. I will be praying for your speedy recovery and the health of Paisley.
Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful.
How precious is she? I saw Andrew at school today and he said I could stop by the car to see y'all, but I had to get Oren home asap so he could use the little boy's room. I've been checking to see her pictures though! Congratulations to all of you!
congrats guys....shes a cutie!!we love you...steph and gane
She is so beautiful, but I knew she would be. I cannot wait to hold her!!!!
I am so happy for all of you and so glad everything went well! Looks like you won't be graduating from MOPS anytime soon!
yeah!!!!!, Congrats!!! What a cutie =) She has hair like Anna did, you must have had She is BEAUTIFUL Heidi! Muah!!!!!
What a beautiful baby and family! Heidi you look awesome! We love you all! God bless your days to follow! Jim and Terri
Absolutely precious. I am so excited for you all.
She is beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you ALL! Can't wait to meet her!
On a side note - in case Erin hasn't told you yet, Erica had her baby "EN". And they are doing great as well!
It is always such a blessing to welcome new babies into the world! Congrats again and looking forward to seeing you all!
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. I am so excited for your entire family, I can't imagine that feeling, but I will very soon. Your family looks so complete. I love the photo with the girls. Andrew will be on Estrogen overload. Thinking of you and the family-sending you my prayers!!
Love you-Shawn
Way back when, I was born on a Monday and the 3rd daughter born to my family! With that said, I already feel connected to your sweet Paisley Hope bacause we have a lot in common. May she continue to be blessed from above as I have been my entire life.
We are very happy for your entire family, this new life is amazing, our lives will never be the same!
Thank you JESUS for bringing Paisley into the hands of a Godly
Mother and Father. For blessing Heidi and Andrew with another bundle of Joy. May Paisley grow to LOVE JESUS as her sisters have Emily and Ansley. LORD bring a bond with these 3 little girls to know you in a intimate way just as Mom and Dad. Thank you LORD for this precious family and how they touch others for CHRIST. In JESUS name I pray Amen
She is so beautiful! Just like my other two cousins! I'm very happy for you guys!
I love you!
She is beautiful and so alert. What a doll! You look awesome in the pictures, looks like all is well. I need to call you. We would like to invite Emily and Ansley to a Halloween Party at our house this Sun. from 12-2 p.m. We are having art stations, games, relays and a Halloween lunch. I am getting with all the Bible group girls and kids at my house. I would love to have the girls over if you don't already have plans for them on Sunday at that time. If you do, I know it is short notice. I have been out of town and just got back. We would love to give you guys a few hours with Paisley and have fun with Emily and Ansley. Let me know, I will touch base again with you!
She's beautiful. You guys all look great. What a blessing. Laci turned 2 on the 9th...and I can't believe how quickly time has gone by! Enjoy it because you can't get it back! Girl..I wish I was there! I really miss you! Welcome to the 3 kids club....hehe!!
what an absolutely beautiful baby girl!!! Cannot wait to see her. Congratulations!
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