Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a birthday wish come true:-) For years (since 6th grade), I have enjoyed a contemporary Christian artist named Michael W. Smith. I used to even have a crush on him and Andrew still teases me that I do-I must say he has aged well...LOL! I have bought every CD and book that he has had published. Well, it so happened that he was coming to our county to sing on-you guessed it!- my birthday:-) I was so excited to get to go and he also brought along Steven Curtis Chapman. Double the excitement! Then my friend Jamie who headed up the event gave us two backstage passes for my birthday so I could finally meet this awesome guy in person! Andrew also took me on a birthday date to dinner beforehand which was so nice because we haven't had one since Paisley was born a month ago. I had a blast! My birthday was very special this year!
Me with my three girls before leaving-such cuties!
Thank you to my mom and dad who came up and watched all three for me so I could have this opportunity!

Andrew, MWS, and Me
Thank you Jamie for making it happen!

MWS and Steven


Kay said...

Oh Heidi, what a wonderful birthday. I am very happy you were able to enjoy this!

BuckeyeNP said...

OK, this is a holy jealousy, but ARE.YOU.KIDDING.ME?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw them on the first night of this concert, in Columbus, October 9th. It was amazing! However, I did not get to MEET HIM! Wow. I am so impressed, so jealous! So cool. I'm sure you were blessed as I was by the music & worship. Love you! Happy birthday!

Jennifer said...

Awwwww, Happy Birthday!!!!! So awesome =) I remember going to the last Michael w. Smith concert with you ;) SO glad you had this opportunity and a night out with the hubby!!!! FUN

Tracy Cotton said...

Well...looks like you had a great time! I'm so happy for you! Happy b-day girlie. If I were there I'd love to go sit at a coffee shop and chat! Miss you still!

Katie said...

WOW!!! Happy Birthday and congrats! You are a lucky gal!!! Glad your wish came true!! :)

Stacy said...

Happy Belated Birthday!
I also had the chance to go to the concert at the last minute and it was awesome. What about the story behind the song Cinderlla? So touching. I got the shirts for the girls for Christmas. Good to see you are doing great!


Emily said...

I remember the first time we met Michael W. Smith back in the 80's. I was in heaven :-) LOL
What a great birthday present! Happy Belated Birthday! Love to you and the family!
Your big sis!