Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen!

This morning we awoke to Resurrection Day! Jesus is alive! The girls were very excited...daddy read the Resurrection story out of the Bible to them, they looked in their Easter baskets to see what the Easter Bunny left behind, and went out in our yard to find all the eggs he had hid for them! Then it was time to get on our dresses for church to worship our Lord! Jesus is what it is all about!
Emily and her basket of goodies
Ansley and her basket

(Paisley was still sleeping at this point...I think she was still worn out from yesterday's festivities!)

Ansley in our yard finding the hidden eggs


After church we headed to the Hammock to take some pictures and then we headed home for some rest and to enjoy the rest of the day!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

What a beautiful family you are!!