Friday, April 11, 2008

Thankful Thursdays (again on Friday!)

Here it goes:
1. My Bible-I need it to constantly hit me on the head!
2. Andrew who takes out the garbage for me
3. Being able to register Emily for preschool next year-(we had a little glitch in our orginal plan but God worked everything out and we are on plan B now!) Emily seems very excited!
4. Ansley who smiles so much that she seems to kiss me with her teeth a lot!
5. My refrigerator-can you imagine life without one?
6. A clean (I try my best) house to live in when so many have to live on dirt floors
7. Friends who make me laugh:-)
8. Friends who check in on me and encourage me
9. A new Olive Garden in our area (although I have not been yet-it is one of my favorite restaurants)
10. Naps!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

haha, you KNOW I have to laugh about the refrigerator as you have read my kitchen nightmares...LOL. I just thought it was funny! Awesome about Emily starting pre-school, she will love it! Where is she going?