Sunday, February 8, 2009

Letter to Myself (from one of my blogger friends)

This is a letter from a blogger friend of mine who is a pastor's wife in another state with four daughters. All four are now in elementary school but she has given me great advice on being a mommy to three little girls under the age of 5. Here is a cute letter she wrote to herself when her babies were all at home...oh how I can relate to so many...LOL! When my head hits the pillow at night I am reminded of how blessed I am to have a faithful husband who loves me for who God made me to be and my three little princesses who keep me very busy:-)

Dear Self (exhausted and blessed momma of tiny ones),

I'm going to write this letter to you in bullet-style because I know that having four kids in four and a half years has left you swamped, overwhelmed, and unable to read anything that is longer than three sentences in a row.

*When everyone says, "It goes by so fast," is oh-so-true.

*It goes by so fast.

*Don't wish it away; enjoy it.

*Because it goes by fast.

*Buy more footie pajamas for the kids.

*Use a pizza cutter to slice your pancakes and waffles and grilled cheese. You'll save yourself about a week of your life if you do that.

*It might take you years to believe this, but the world does NOT stop spinning if your house is a mess.

*When you are so overwhelmed by laundry that you cry when you see the laundry room, take it all to the laundromat and knock it out in two hours.

*Mealtimes aren't worth big battles, but it is worth it to make the rule they have to try two bites of everything. Your kids will end up being decent eaters, even adventurous at times.

*When you are so overwhelmed and feel defeated constantly and want to stay in bed for hours and choose ugly clogs that don't match anything because thinking about tying your shoes seems like too much, tell your husband, mentor, or doctor. You need some help.

*Read "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" before you get to that point.

*Go ahead and buy those matching dresses from Old Navy. Turns out in a few years they won't think it is so fun to be matchy-matchy.

*Don't ever feel guilty for taking a nap. I know you will feel guilty, and you will beat yourself up for it, but you are WISE to rest when you can.

*Leave Bibles out all over the house where you can read a verse or two in stolen moments. There will be seasons where you can do in-depth Bible studies and Greek translations and word studies, but this is not it, and that is ok.

*On the days you don't think you can survive until naptime, remind yourself there will come a day when YOU get to take a nap while the kids unload the dishwasher, vacuum the living room, and gather all the trash.

*Don't bother washing that sippy cup you found under the couch after a week. Don't even open it. Throw it away immediately.

*Video tape them more often. You're going to forget how Brynne calls everyone "dems" and how Shelby talks in what sounds like a Slavic language.

*Having only one car, ugly clothes, used furniture, and eating generic brands is SO worth it to stay home with those babies.

*Remember that you and Scott are a team, and not opponents.

*Don't ever try peanut-butter filled Oreos if you want to stay a size 8.

*Swap days with a friend for a break, or sell plasma in order to afford a babysitter or mom's day out program. And don't feel guilty about it.

*Sign your kids up for one activity so they have a different adult to listen to, but don't do more than one. There will be time for that later. And don't feel guilty about it.

*Don't knock homeschooling until you've tried it. You're going to LOVE it.

*Don't knock public school until you've tried it. You're going to LOVE it.

*Use sleeping bags when you are potty training. No sheets to change after an accident.

*Write down their first words and funny phrases. Even the last child. Because it is going to stink when you have to make it up.

*When you do mess up, let them hear you apologize. You'll have plenty of opportunities, and they forgive so quickly and fully it will help you understand God's forgiveness.

*You are doing such a good job. I know it feels like you are failing in a hundred ways, but you aren't. You are loving them, showing them God, and teaching them about His world. They are going to turn into amazing kids.

*Enjoy the ride. You are one blessed girl


Spencer Girl said...

Heidi, Thanks for posting this letter. I enjoy reading her blog and as you and I have discussed this "three under 5" makes for some crazy days! Some great ideas and even better encouragement!

MarkAElliott said...

Sleeping BAGS! Whoa! I would rather just change the sheets! Heh heh. We have an older one who is STILL unergoing the process. Sometimes we have to get him up 2 in a night. =) Oh well. Part of the joys.

Heidi S said...

For a day like I'm having today, this was just what I needed to hear. Thanks for posting. Maybe I should just print this????

Robyn said...

Wow! What a great post! Thanks for sharing! Those are great -- it does go by fast -- too fast!


Jerri said...

I loved the letter I needed it. I laugh and almost got teary eye.

Anonymous said...

I needed this girl! It's been rough adjusting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this... The sippy cup thing is so true and it is such a blessing to be home with our little ones and love our ADL's...