Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day!

Sunday mornings are usually very hectic around our house because we are all trying to get ready and out the door in time for church. So the girls and I decided we would wait and give Andrew his gifts after the services when we could sit down with him and enjoy it. We went to the first service so once we got home the girls wanted to make daddy a chocolate cake since that is his favorite. Then they finished up some paintings for him. When he walked in the door he we was greeted by his two girls and they were very excited to give him his gifts and show him the cake they made him. Emily and Ansley are very blessed to have a great daddy!
Happy Father's Day Andrew! We love you!
Daddy with his two girls
Opening their gifts


octobermiracle said...

Heidi- I'm all caught up on your blog. So glad to read the Paisley is doing good and growing. You look great! Hope to see you at morning water aerobics(10:30-11:30). Talk to you soon-
Love & Prayers-Shawn

Betsy said...

Hey Heidi, I need to get Ashley's (from dance) phone number. Can you email me, please?