I am pregnant with #3!!! I am only 8 weeks and usually like to keep it a secret until the first trimester is over but considering I have a "belly bump" going on I knew I couldn't hide it for much longer. I also have been so tired and nausea. I throw up every morning and then the nausea comes and goes through out the day. I know this is a good thing and exactly what I prayed for...strange as it might sound. This is my fifth pregnancy. Emily and Ansley's pregnancies I threw up in the first trimesters but with my two miscarriages I did not get sick. Sooo when I found out I was pregnant again I asked my family and some close friends to pray that I would throw up. I know, I know,it sounds like a strange prayer request but considering what I am basing it on-you get the point. They did pray and God has answered our prayers!!! I have not been able to blog much because I have been so "under the weather". Saltines and ginger ale get real old too! I had to tell the women's bible study group I am in last night and MOPS this morning or they would start thinking I have lost my mind! Andrew and I told the girls this morning and they are thrilled to be big sisters. It was so precious to see the smiles on their faces:-) Then the questions came!! Oh my! I am very excited to be pregnant and I ask that you please join me and pray for this little baby.
Emily and Ansley (the big sisters)
CONGRATULATIONS! Maybe a little Andrew, Jr. is on the way! We will pray for you....
Heidi...it's me....Heidi D. Congrats!! I'm very excited for you and Andrew! I gasped when I read your post...God is good! Perhaps we can keep in touch better...come see my blog too..http://www.davis-life.blogspot.com/. Heidi S. pointed me to your blog. Take Care, I'll start checking your blog to keep up with what is happenin' with you guys.
Heidi!!! I am so happy for you and Andrew! This new life growing inside is just another way God shows us his miracles! Congrats!
Just wanted you to know that the Lord put you on my heart this week to pray for you. I had no idea what I was praying for, but I knew I wanted to obey Him. I did so...and now I know why. Congratulations! May He continue to richly bless you.
Hey, Paula said that with a bump this soon you may have two little Andrews in there. Could you imagine!?! I am definatley praying for you. I know I already told you this but I am soooo.... happy for you. You are an awesome mom! Talk to you soon! Love, Andrea
Hi Heidi is Jerri
Congratulations I will pray for your pregnancy and your family I'm very excited for you. God Bless you and your family and the little one on the way.
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