Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Don't Laugh! (or maybe you can just a little....)

This past week has been flying by and I can't seem to keep up with blogging as you can tell. But on Monday I went to my first aqua aerobics class. My friend Shawn had told me about it and we knew that it's a great way to exercise when expecting. Walking can get boring especially when you have to do it alone (I'm going to miss you Tracy!!!) so I thought this would give me some variety for the summer. Well, let me just tell you I am still sore today. My calves of all things are killing me! Now I know I must be really out of shape! I guess you'll be seeing me at the pool for class this summer. Hold on Paisley! We're going for another swim...LOL!

1 comment:

Amy Z said...

I've heard you'll feel so light and carefree in the pool as your body begins to feel a bit more weighed down in the months to come. I bet you look so cute in your swim suit! I am glad you are keeping healthy and having fun at the same time!