Friday, May 23, 2008

Swim Lessons:-)

Today was Emily and Ansley's first day back at swim lessons. For the past 3 years I have had the girls take private lessons from Mrs. Pat. She does an awesome job with them! When she asked who wanted to go first Ansley said "I do!" So here are some pics of Ansley swimming today.
Look at that big grin on her face-so excited!
Floating on her back!
Ansley also has been telling me that she wants to jump off Mrs. Pat's diving board so right when we got there she asked if she is my daredevil!
Look at that Olympic diver go!!!
Big splash!
Then it was Emily's turn...she has been practicing in our community pool and did a really good job today!
Floating on her back:-)

Learning the freestyle stroke
Look at those arms coming out of the water:-)
Coming up for a breath:-)
When Emily jumped off the diving board my camera took a fuzzy picture...I'll try again next time.
Mommy is so proud of her little girls! They are quite the mermaids:-)
*****This morning I went for a routine check up for Paisley. Her hearbeat is strong and she is moving all around! Thank you Jesus!!! My next apt. is in two weeks-the ultrasound!

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