I thought I would start writing 10 things I am thankful for each Thursday. I know some bloggers do this on Tuesday but since Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday I found this more fitting. Also, doesn't Thankful Thursdays sound better??? I think everyone should find at least one thing they are thankful for each day. It keeps our perspective in check and reminds us of how much God has blessed us. This is extremely helpful when I'm having a bad day or just feel down.
Well, here goes the first list:
1. My husband who pushes me to be more like Christ
2. Emily's ability to wink and whisper "I love you" (that's our secret code language)
3. Ansley's sense of humor-the girl can always make me laugh
4. Hot showers-just took one and feel so clean-can't imagine not having hot water!
5. Vanilla Lattes with skim milk-my favorite
6. Healthy family
7. Friends who are loyal and like me for me
8. Portable phones (so I can multi-task!)
9. My washer and dryer (the never ending chore!)
10. Flip flops:-)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Play Date with Girlfriends:-)
I was looking forward to a day at home since I was gone all day and totally pooped! This morning we enjoyed having my friend Jody and her daughter Madeline come over. The girls had a fun time playing with dolls, pop on girls, and all the other things little girls love to play with. Jody had brought me a cup of coffee from one of our favorite local coffee places so we enjoyed catching up with each other and I definitely needed the caffiene:-) Before we knew it, it was time for lunch and goodbyes. Time flies when you're having fun!
Out of Town Adventures
This morning Andrew and I headed down south to visit a mega church and their pastor. Some of the staff and elders were able to go too. We had a great time learning from this pastor and also taking a tour of their awesome campus. It's amazing what God is doing in the body of Christ not only at our church but churches everywhere!
This is a pic of their Wednesday night service that we were able to attend-it was great!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Learning from the Pros!
Every Tuesday is otherwise known as our "lessons day". Today we started off running some errands and then we met my mom, sister, and niece for lunch. Then it was time for class! Emily and Ansley take gymnastics and ballet. This is Emily's third year in gymnastics and she has already moved up to the next level. I am so proud of her! She is taking her first year in ballet. Ansley is in her second year of gymnastics (first year being the mommy and me class) and is in her first year of ballet. She is making so much progress too:-) My sister Sarah is their gymnastics teacher and they think that is sooo cool!
Emily getting ready to start class!
Then it was my turn for lessons! I have been taking guitar for a little over a year now. My dad is my teacher and he is always challenging me:-) I have really enjoyed having something of my own to do and learn. I think it is so important for everyone (but especially moms who can get so busy with their children) to have a hobby they enjoy doing. Finding the time is always a challenge but the payoff is great! God has given each of us special talents and gifts and we should take the time to develop them:-)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Lessons Learned from the Oyster
To put it bluntly, the oyster is an ugly shlellfish that lives in the ocean. I think it is very boring because it doesn't move around or even make a sound. But oysters create something very valuable-a pearl! When a tiny grain of sand gets inside the oyster's shell, this grain of sand makes the oyster very uncomfortable. In response to this irritation, the oyster begins coating the grain of sand with something called nacre. Layer after layer of this stuff coats the sand until at last a beautiful pearl is formed. Because of its pain the oyster creates something precious.
Sometimes people or things in our life will irritate or hurt us. It's like the grain of sand for the oyster. But God says that if we will trust Him, He can bring good things out of the bad things that happen to us. We need to ask Him to help us grow and learn from them instead of complain about them (which I find myself guilty of!). Then we can see God make something beautiful in our lives too!
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28
Sometimes people or things in our life will irritate or hurt us. It's like the grain of sand for the oyster. But God says that if we will trust Him, He can bring good things out of the bad things that happen to us. We need to ask Him to help us grow and learn from them instead of complain about them (which I find myself guilty of!). Then we can see God make something beautiful in our lives too!
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28
Book of the Week
This is a great bible to have for your little ones. There are pictures on each page with short narrations of each bible story. Emily takes this to children's church on Sundays and then we read a story out of it every night before she goes to bed. She has gotten so excited about reading the bible. It makes a mommy happy to see her little girl want to grow in Jesus!
(sorry the pic is blurry and my flash reflected back on the book)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday Happenings
This morning we went to church. We usually go to the first service but this morning we were running late. Emily slept in until 9:00! Whoohoo! My children do not believe in sleeping in. I always hear of how all these other children sleep in which means their parents get to sleep in but not in the Katsanis Home! We have to tell them they have to sleep until the sun wakes up. Now I must say that Emily is getting better at it but Ansley likes to beat the sun up! After church, my sister and I headed to the grocery store. We ended up by the "green bags" so that from now on we can be enviromentally safe. I really do like them-they hold a lot of groceries and stay upright in your car. Now I have to get into the habit of bringing them in to the store when I buy the groceries. We'll see how that goes!
After I put the girls down for a nap Audrey and I went shopping for a birthday gift for my mom.
This afternoon was gorgeous again so we headed outside. My husband Andrew is "in training" (that's what he calls it) for an annual golf tournament held in March. He is getting ready for the big day!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Girls Night Out
After getting back from cooking, my sister Audrey called and asked if she could come spend the night with us. My other sister Sarah came up with her daughter . We all went to dinner and now we are getting ready for bed! All three of our husbands had to work tonight so we decided to make the best of it! Here we are at a local restaurant . Getting everyone to look at the camera and smile is quite a challenge! Tomorow morning Audrey will be going to church with us:-) It was a pleasant surprise!
Say Cheeeze!
Girls Day Out
My girlfriend Tracy and I headed out of town to make our meals for the month. I really like these chains that are available so you can make your meals together, put them in the freezer, and then pull out the one you want for dinner! Every mom knows that the time between 4 and 6 is difficult with little ones. This makes it so much easier! Then we went to lunch and went shopping:-) Anytime we get away we just have to stop at Target!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday Fun!
Today my sister Sarah needed me to watch Kylie for the day. The girls were very excited to have their cousin over to play. Andrew and I took them out to lunch and they did a great job. Some of the people thought all three were ours-WOW we would have our hands full:-) I also got a huge compliment today. A lady thought I was too young to have three little girls and be married to an "older" man. LOL! Andrew is only two years older than me but I always remind him that I am the younger one...hehe! When you are in your teenage years you seem to always want to look older and that seems to be a compliment. But it's amazing how it changes as you get older! Now if I'm told I look young I enjoy the compliment! Such is life-) By the way, I think my husband looks great for his age!!!
Kylie, Emily, Ansley
(Emily loves to put stickers in the middle of her forehead...go figure!)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Four Year Old Art
Today was our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting. I have enjoyed being a part of MOPS these last four years. It is so nice to have a network of women who all have children in the same stage of life. I find it very comforting to know that I am not all alone! Being a mom has been the hugest blessing to me but it has also become the biggest responsibility. I know that when I show up on Thursday mornings that I won't be the only one without a full night's sleep or struggling with whiny bad attitudes. I don't know what I would do without these moms! It's been amazing how much it has grown over the 4 years-now we average 40-50 moms per meeting. We have a leadership team of 8 moms who help me keep it afloat. I couldn't do it without them! Today we focused on the topic "What Matters Most". It challenged us to really look at our needs vs. wants. Also, to make sure we make time for our families even if that means not answering the phone or shutting the computer/tv off. Then on the flip side of that, to make sure we make time for ourselves. Mommy has two words in it: Mom and me. Now if I could only get a grasp on how to balance the mom and me time????
Here we are making our creative activity:-)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Cabin Fever
After spending the day at home due to Emily's coughing spells we were ready to get out for a little bit. My sister Sarah called us up and invited us to dinner. We had a great time with Uncle Trey, Aunt Sarah, and Kylie. These three crack me up when they get together. It's nonstop entertainment!
Kylie, Emily, Ansley
Letter of the Week
Every week I teach a new letter to the girls. We work on the sound it makes and how to write it. This week is "L". Today we went outside on a nature walk and found leaves to glue on our L's. I am so proud of their hard work!
Emily did this all by herself! (We had a warm day today and she decided to wear her bathing suit!-The girl loves to swim!)
****On a side note, Emily slept through the night last night-yeah!! That means we all got a good night's sleep. She is still battling the cough but it's getting better and more manageable. Please keep praying for her:-)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Praising God
One of my favorite praise and worship leaders is Matt Redman. My favorite praise song right now that he sings is "You Never Let Go". The words are so incredible and speak straight to me. I downloaded it on my ipod so I can pull it out and listen to it any time:-) I then asked my dad if he would teach me the song on the guitar and I have finally got it! Now I can play along with my ipod. The girls (my audience...lol) are even walking around the house singing the song. It's so neat to hear them worship our Lord and King. It's amazing how our whole outlook can change when we begin to sing to Jesus. He makes ALL things better (even our bad days with stinky attitudes!).I have copied the words below-download and hear it for yourself sometime:-)
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn backI know You are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?
Chorus:Oh no, You never let goThrough the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let goLord, You never let go of me
And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We’ll live to know You here on the earth
Chorus:Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds onAnd there will be an end to these troubles But until that day comesStill I will praise You, still I will praise YouChorus: (2x’s)
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn backI know You are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?
Chorus:Oh no, You never let goThrough the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let goLord, You never let go of me
And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We’ll live to know You here on the earth
Chorus:Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds onAnd there will be an end to these troubles But until that day comesStill I will praise You, still I will praise YouChorus: (2x’s)
The Sickies:-(
This morning I had to take Emily to the doctor again. She has been battling with her asthma symptoms and now on top of that she has caught a little cold. We were just starting a new preventative medicine for asthma but it has not had enough time to start working. Now with the cold on top of it, there is no stopping the cough! She was up all last night and today coughing. Hopefully, she will have a better night tonight. Please pray for her that she starts feeling better and we can tame this asthma!
Emily making her "I don't feel good face." She is such a silly goose:-)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Family Fun!
This morning the girls and I had our preschool time and then Mema (Andrew's grandma) invited us over for the girls to pick out some Christmas items to keep. I decided that we would bring her lunch. Mema then made them hot chocolate and gave them ice cream. What a treat! They had a great time! We love you Mema!
Emily, Mema, and Ansley
After naptime my sister Sarah invited us over to play. The weather was so nice out today that we decided to play in outdoors.
Emily, Kylie, and Ansley
Book of the Week
Every Monday I am going to post a book that I have found to be really good-either for myself or the girls. This week I have picked The Swimsuit Lesson by Jon Holsten. This is a book that every family should have a copy of in their home. It introduces a simple, yet effective way for parents to educate their childdren about the danger of sexual abuse. There is also a parent's guide in the back that informs parents of how to read this book with your child(ren) and also what to do if your child would tell you they have been victimized. The author is a veteran police officer who has successfully helped prosecute dozens of child sexual assault cases. I have read this book to Emily and Ansley a few times (it is very short with cute pics) and now they know that if anyone ever touches them in the places where their swimsuits cover they need to tell me right away. Parents need to protect their children from sexual predators!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cold Weather, Coffee, and Girlfriends!
Today it has been freezing cold so my friend and I couldn't walk tonight:-( But we did decide to go out for coffee and catch up on our weekends. There is nothing like a cold night, hot coffee, and great girlfriend conversation! Thanks Tracy!
God Has a Way of Speaking Straight to our Hearts
Every year I find a verse in the Bible to be my theme verse for the year. It usually involves something I am facing or going through at the time. Well, at the end of 2007 I was looking through my Bible and found Psalm 130:5-"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I put my hope." It is soooo fitting for what I am facing in my life. I have memorized this scripture and focused on the word hope-don't lose hope.
Well, when I was shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond I was walking by the clearance table (you know me, always trying to find a good bargain!) and I noticed this plaque laying there with the word HOPE on it. I couldn't believe it! I just had to buy it plus it matches my bathroom(purple-my favorite color) and what woman doesn't visit their bathroom on a daily basis! LOL Now everytime I see it I am reminded that God has an awesome plan for my family and me. When I get down or feel like I am falling, God is always there helping me get up. He is saying don't lose hope Heidi! There are many things in life that happen that I will never understand why but God wants me to not lose hope. I just thought this was such an awesome way that God spoke to me today:-)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Birthday Parties
Today the girls and I went to one of their friend's birthday parties. They had such a good time playing in the bounce house and sliding down the big slide. We didn't get to stay long because we met my mom and grandma for some shopping and dinner. The girls will sleep good tonight!
Emily being cautious to make sure she doesn't hit anyone.
Out of the Mouth of Babes
This week at dance class my little Ansley decided to tell her ballet teacher something she felt important. As she was sitting next to the teacher she decided to reach over and pinch her boobies! Then she said, "Oh Ms. _____, you have big boobies!" After the class was over the teacher came out of class laughing and telling me that she had something funny to tell me. Well, let's just say that I'm glad I am friends with the teacher and she thought it was funny. Oh the words that come out of our children:-)
Friday, January 18, 2008
We love snowmen!
My mom gave the girls snowman crafts to put together. Since I always enjoy focusing on snowmen in January I thought we would make them today! They are very proud of these snowy guys-thank you grandma!
Bubble Bath:-)
Last night we were invited over to Kip and Cristy's house for dinner. The girls had such a good time playing with their friend Chloe'. They ended the evening with some bathtime fun:-)
My Hubby is the Best!
I just have to brag about my husband today. He took both animals to the vet this morning for their yearly shots, then came home bringing me a sweet iced tea (my favorite treat!), and to top it off scheduled an hour long massage for me this afternoon! I am so blessed:-) I love you Andrew!
Two year old art
I just had to take a picture of Ansley's snowman drawing. I thought she did a great job for only being two. It kinda reminds me of an abominal snowman...LOL!
Marshmallow Snowmen
I found this neat idea for making marshmallow snowman. It is sooo easy for little ones to make and they have a blast eating them! All you need is three large marshmallows, icing, chocolate chips, red hots, and pretzels. (I didn't have any stick pretzels so we improvised with toothpick arms.) Emily is very proud of her snowman!
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