Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Fun!

Today my sister Sarah needed me to watch Kylie for the day. The girls were very excited to have their cousin over to play. Andrew and I took them out to lunch and they did a great job. Some of the people thought all three were ours-WOW we would have our hands full:-) I also got a huge compliment today. A lady thought I was too young to have three little girls and be married to an "older" man. LOL! Andrew is only two years older than me but I always remind him that I am the younger one...hehe! When you are in your teenage years you seem to always want to look older and that seems to be a compliment. But it's amazing how it changes as you get older! Now if I'm told I look young I enjoy the compliment! Such is life-) By the way, I think my husband looks great for his age!!!
Kylie, Emily, Ansley
(Emily loves to put stickers in the middle of her forehead...go figure!)
Dress up time!

The weather was soooo beautiful out today we decided to enjoy the outdoors!
Ansley on the roller coaster

Kylie trying out the bike

Ansley ready to go!

Emily giving me a thumbs up!

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a fun day for the girls to spend together. Also, I am with you . . .I love it when people think I am younger than what I am :-)