Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Happenings

This morning we went to church. We usually go to the first service but this morning we were running late. Emily slept in until 9:00! Whoohoo! My children do not believe in sleeping in. I always hear of how all these other children sleep in which means their parents get to sleep in but not in the Katsanis Home! We have to tell them they have to sleep until the sun wakes up. Now I must say that Emily is getting better at it but Ansley likes to beat the sun up! After church, my sister and I headed to the grocery store. We ended up by the "green bags" so that from now on we can be enviromentally safe. I really do like them-they hold a lot of groceries and stay upright in your car. Now I have to get into the habit of bringing them in to the store when I buy the groceries. We'll see how that goes!
After I put the girls down for a nap Audrey and I went shopping for a birthday gift for my mom.
This afternoon was gorgeous again so we headed outside. My husband Andrew is "in training" (that's what he calls it) for an annual golf tournament held in March. He is getting ready for the big day!

Here are his cheerleaders! Go Daddy!

After dinner my sister headed home. What an end to a great weekend! Thanks Aunt BB for staying with us:-)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad you were able to have some "sister" time! I can't wait until Steph gets here in March!